What you need to know to help you and your family stay healthy.
- Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly and often
- Cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue. Dispose of tissue immediately and wash your hands
- Keep surfaces clean and disinfected
- Stay home when you are sick
- Avoid unnecessary visits out of home
How to self-monitor:
Monitor for symptoms for 14 days after exposure
- Fever
- Cough
- Difficulty Breathing
Avoid Public Spaces:
Avoid crowded public spaces and places where you cannot easily separate yourself from other if you become ill.
What to do if you develop these or other symptoms?
Self-isolate immediately and contact your public health unit and your health care provider.
To self-isolate you will need:
- Instructions on how to self-isolate
- Supply or procedure/surgical masks (enough for 14 days)
- Soap, water and/or alcohol-based hand sanitizers to clean your hands
When you visit your health care provider, avoid using public transportation such as subways, taxis and shared rides. I unavoidable, wear a mask and sit in the back seat.
Please help slow the spread of COVID-19
Please report if you have these signs and symptoms:
- If you have a fever and/or new onset of cough or difficulty breathing
- In the past 14 days before symptoms onset:
- You have been to a COVID-19 impacted area, or
- You have been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 or
- You have been in close contact with a person with acute respiratory illness who has been to a COVID-19 impacted area
Final Advice:
“Protect the health of yourself and community by keeping the social distance, together we can over come the outspread of Coronavirus, stary connected by social media and avoid the gatherings and crowds, save the precious lives around you!”
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